Here are the titles for my blog postings/entries for November About, For or On Italy:
- Info on the Blog Postings/Entries for August, September and October, 2006 About, For or On Italy , Wednesday, November 1, 2006
- Info on Vegetarian Eating in Italy , Friday, November 3, 2006
- Info on Learning and Teaching Italian , Tuesday, November 7, 2006
- Info on Islam in Italy *, Friday, November 10, 2006
- Info on Wedding Planners for Italy , Tuesday, November 14, 2006
- Info on web sites for stranieri (foreigners) in Italy , Friday, November 17, 2006
- Info on Distance Calculators (How Far Is It?) for Italy , Tuesday, November 21, 2006
- Info about Italian Cinema and Films *, Friday, November 24, 2006
- Info about the European Union and Italy , Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The above links are current. If anyone has any suggestions for other sites, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry. For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.
The reason that I list these links is to provide information for individuals who are dreaming, considering a move or traveling to Italy. It is my intent to share these links (web sites) with like-minded individuals who are in the process of considering, have made the decision to move or travel to Italy for whatever reason. I have attempted to group these links and to categorize them.
These blog postings and entries are not static. As I come across new information, I'll update the appropriate blog entry periodically.
* = Blog entry has been updated.
I have found in my research on the Internet that by changing the wording of the search argument or the order of the wording of the search argument on a search engine, e.g., Google, you may get different results. There is so much information to choose from on the internet. Unfortunately, there's a lot of junk that clutters up one's search. I believe in my presentation format that it eliminates the need for one to do multiple searches. Also, I believe this information is a baseline or starting point for an individual to conduct their own search and they do not have to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch.
For my blog, I am presenting the fruits of my efforts of just a portion of that information in a format that is of use to my wife and myself for future use and reference (and hopefully, other individuals) as we prepare for our move to Italy.
I am open to suggestions and solicit comments from the readers of this blog for your feedback.
That's it for Friday, 1 December 2006: venerdì, 1 dicembre 2006.
Ciao, Ben
Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.
"O' chiu' bello d''a vita e' 'o durmi."
"The best thing about life is sleeping."