Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Info about Social Security and Taxes for Americans Living in Italy


Here are the links about Social Security and Taxes for Americans Living and Residing in Italy


  • U.S.(American) Income Tax for Expatriates, Permanent Residents and Nonresidents – "U.S. Income Tax Information, rules, regulations and laws, for US Citizens, Americans, green card holders, and nonresidents living abroad or moving to the US or out of the US.... including comments, suggestions and practical advice. Valuable information on IRS rules concerning U.S. expatriates and their tax returns, and planning." – Don D. Nelson – Location: Dana Point, California, United States
* = Blog entry has been updated.

The above links are current. If anyone has any suggestions for other sites, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry. For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using Google .

Even if you are an American living overseas and in this case, Italy, you still have to pay taxes! Depending on your specific financial situation, you will pay federal income tax to either the US or Italian government. Depending on your former state of residence in theUS, you may have to pay State or Commonwealth (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia) taxes. However, there are local Italian taxes to be paid if you are residing in Italy.

It is suggested to hire an accountant/financial planner and/or someone who is very familiar with preparing tax forms for Italy and the US. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

That's it for Wednesday, 28 December 2005: mercoledì, 28 Dicembre 2005

Felice Nuovo Anno!

Ciao, Ben

Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.

"Che sarà, sarà."
"What will be, will be."


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