Here are some links on web sites for stranieri (foreigners) in Italy:
- British Council Italy –"is the UK's principal agency for cultural relations with other countries." – In English, Italian
- Ethnoland® – "Welcome to Ethnoland! People on the move" – In English, French, Italian, Spanish
- Welcome to EXPAT FOCUS: Italy – an expatriate guide
- – "A World of Friends Abroad"
- Expats in Italy – run and operated by Cristina Fassio – not to be confused with the msn groups, Expats in Italy, with the same name
- expats in Italy – msn groups
- Latinos-en-Italia – msn groups
- MELTING POT EUROPA – In Albanian, Arabic, English, French, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish
- Stranieri in Italia – In Italian Only – Source: italiaplease "–> The Italian Tourist Connection"
- Stranieri in Italia – In Italian Only
- Australians Abroad – "Win prizes, stay in touch with the news back home, meet other aussies near you, join us - The aussie expats' home away from home since 1996"
- – lifestyle and community for Britons outside the U.K.
- Canuck Abroad –"is a resource for Canadian expatriates abroad, or Canadians planning to travel."
- Easy Expat
- ExpatClic,com: Women’s Expatrication – In multiple languages
- Information on Living & Working Overseas – "A World of Friends Abroad"
- InfoMondo – "is created by a team of well-travelled internationals that want to help people going thru the expatriation experience. The tips we supply are useful to for Tourists, expats, students and businessmen. People that stay in Italy for only a few days, in case of need can obtain immediate assistance in their own language. Information is supplied on this site in 10 languages and over the telephone by a Multilingual Call center. Searching information from every one of the 8100 Italian Municipalities, will make InfoMondo an innovative and unique Intercultural ORGANIZER." – In multiple languages
- Italia Promessa: diario di un'accoglienza clandestina – Documentario girato dal regista Giovanni Covini alla Casa Solidale di Via Gnocchi Viani a Milano – In Italian Only – Source: Ethnoland®
- Info for Newcomers to Italy *, dated Friday, September 8, 2006
- Info for Visas and Permits for Italy *, dated Thursday, December 08, 2005
- Info on Events and Festivals (festa or sagra) in Italy *, dated Sunday, November 20, 2005

* = Blog entry has been updated.
That's it for Friday, 17 November 2006: venerdì, 17 novembre 2006.
Ciao, Ben
Moving2Italy2 – The #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.
Today’s quote is a Italian proverb, author unknown.
"Chi tace acconsente."
"Silence gives consent."
(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 3 February 2007)
1 comment:
I am the author of InfoMondo. Thanks for mentioning our multilingual portal.
Here are some other sites worth sharing:
For Lations in Italy:
A nice expats site featuring Italian Holidays, Festivals and Street Parties...Searchable database of events, festivals, markets, and celebrations:
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