Here are some links on Learning and Teaching Italian:
LEARNING AND TEACHING – "Online lessons and courses, grammar references, teaching materials, etc." – Source: CALL@Hull –"a collection of online Communications and Information Technology (C&IT) resources for teachers and learners of languages in higher education. This site continues and develops the heritage of the CTI Centre for Modern Languages."
- ADESSO! – "Italian lessons for beginners, incorporating links to Italian websites in the lesson texts to illustrate the lesson topics."
- CyberItalian – "Although primarily a commercial site selling an online Italian course, this site has a useful Gallery section with a large collection of bilingual texts (Eng/It) on topical aspects of Italian culture, plus a grammar section. Website text in English and Spanish."
- Dentro l'Italiano Online – "An interactive, multimedia course in Italian, with audio clips (RealMedia), exercises, grammatical help, and a course guide in a number of European languages. The course has 3 sections - Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced - and a substantial number of modules, some 25 or so per section, which can be selected by theme. The site requires an XML-capable browser (Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 6 or better), and is hosted by the Italian cultural site Italica. Recommended."
- Didaskalos – "Online multimedia courses in Italian for beginner- and intermediate-level learners. The site also has some free resources, including proverbs, news articles, numbers and units of measure, and recipes, which may be of some use to learners and teachers of Italian."
- Guerra Edizioni –"Material for teachers and learners of Italian, including an online forum to discuss problems with the language, a chat room, activities and exercises, and lots of links to Italian sites."
- Icon: Italian culture on the Net – "The Icon Consortium is composed of some 24 Italian universities, in collaboration with the ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Education, with the purpose of providing online courses and materials for foreigners and Italians resident abroad who are interested in Italian language, culture and history. The site is a 'portal' to a wide range of resources and services, and offers the opportunity to take a 3-year certificated degree course in Italian Language and Culture for Foreigners. You have to pay for many of the courses and resources, but there are also a good number of free courses and resources available for which you have to register (free of charge). A very interesting initiative worth keeping an eye on. Recommended. Site text in Italian, English, Spanish, German, and French."
- ILUSS - Italiano online – "Interactive exercises, reading materials, and links for students and teachers of Italian. Although this is a paid membership site, a significant amount of its resources are freely-available to non-members."
- Italia 2000 – "A much-improved site for intermediate to advanced learners of Italian. There are twelve study units, each based around a video clip and containing Java and Javascript exercises, a glossary and transcript, and sound clips from the video. The project has also published a software and video package in conjunction with Giunti Multimedia. Italia 2000 is a European Union LINGUA project. Recommended."
- The Italian Electronic Classroom – "A grand title for basic, but very useful, tutorials and exercises on "difficult" aspects of Italian language, such as idiomatic expressions, pronunciation, prepositions, and pronouns."
- Italian irregular verbs – ""
- Italianissimo Online – "An online multimedia course for beginners in Italian, from BBC Education Languages."
- Materiali didattici per l'insegnamento dell'italiano – "Texts and exercises (non-interactive), graded by level, for learners of Italian as a foreign language, using continuously updated material. The exercises are useful resources for teachers of Italian at all levels."
- Oggi e Domani – "An interactive 20-lesson course in Italian, ranging from beginner to intermediate level. Each lesson includes exercises, audio clips, and external links, and reference material (dictionary, grammar, pronunciation) is always available."
- Progetto Talis – "An experimental project to put Italian texts and exercises online for learners of Italian."
- Trieste Verb Conjugator "A useful Italian verb conjugator hosted at the University of Trieste. Enter any verb for conjugation in any tense in active, passive, or reflexive forms. The no-frills interface is a refreshing relief from the eye-mangling designs of so many language sites."
- ICoN – Italian Culture on the Net – In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish – Source: ICoN Consortium
- Elleu Project – "E-learning for European Languages and Literatures, was set up with the aim of designing an organisational model for the teaching of Italian Language, Literature and Culture within the European Union countries. It constitutes a university level study platform that integrates e-learning with traditional teaching methods, in a Europe-wide perspective."
- Italian 101 – "Learn Italian online for free!" – Source:
- Italian Language Guide
- Italian Language Facts
- Italian Language Pronunciation
- Italian Language Grammar
- Italian Language Vocabulary
- Italian Language Tools
- Learning Italian
- Teaching Italian
- Italian Culture
- Italian Business
- Italian Language Information – "Here you can get information on Italian language. It contains main Italian language features, such as Italian alphabet, Italian pronunciation rules, Italian grammar and more. If needed, the input method is also described." – Source: LingvoSoft Online – "The Largest Collection of Free Online Translation Services Anywhere!"
- Info about On-Line Language Training in Italian *, dated Tuesday, August 29, 2006
- Info on Miscellaneous Items or Topics About the Italian Language *, dated Friday, August 25, 2006
- Info About Italian Grammar *, dated Tuesday, August 22, 2006
- Info on Italian Language Survival Phrases *, dated Tuesday, August 15, 2006
- Info on Italian Language Resources *, dated Friday, August 11, 2006
- Info on Teaching English in Italy *, dated Tuesday, August 8, 2006
- Info About On-Line Translation Services for the Italian Language *, dated Friday, August 04, 2006
- Info on Italian Proverbs/Proverbi *, dated Tuesday, July 25, 2006
- Info on Italian Language Pronunciation *, dated Friday, July 21, 2006
- Info About Italian Language Search Engines *, dated Friday, July 14, 2006
- Info about On-Line Dictionaries for the Italian Language *, dated Tuesday, July 11, 2006
- Info on Suggested Reference Links for Learning the Italian Language *, dated Monday, December 05, 2005

Please note: I do NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.
* = Blog entry has been updated.
That's it for Tuesday, 7 November 2006: martedì, 7 novembre 2006.
Ciao, Ben
Moving2Italy2 – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.
Today’s quote is a Italian proverb, author unknown.
"Chi troppo vuole nulla stringe."
"Grasp all, lose all."
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