(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 8 December 2010)
Here are some links for 2010 Events and Festivals (AKA feste or sagre) in Toscana (Tuscany):The 10 provinces of Toscana are the following with their respective two digit province code in brackets:
- Arezzo (AR)
- Firenze (FI)
- Grosseto (GR)
- Livorno (LI)
- Lucca (LU)
- Massa-Carrara (MS)
- Pistoia (PT)
- Pisa (PI)
- Prato (PO)
- Siena (SI)
EVENTS/EVENTI- Monte di Polenta – In Italian Only – free polenta, wine, bruschette with new oil – Dates: 19 December – centro storico, Monte San Savino (AR) – Time: 15:00 (3:00 PM) – Source: hand bill and Comune di Monte San Savino
- Calendar of Events in Tuscany – Source: In Italy Online
- EVENTI UNICI DI OGGI (Today's events) – In Italian Only – Events by month under "CALENDARIO EVENTI A FIRENZE" – In Firenze and the province – Source: Digi space.it – "il portale dei divertimento"
- Eventi e Manifestazioni Toscana (Events and Entertainment) – Please note: The Italian version provides more detail and events. – Source: Paesi on Line – In English, Italian
- Eventi Toscana – In Italian Only – Source: Finesettimana.it
- Events (Eventi Toscana) – Source: italiadiscovery – "the on-line Guide to discover Italy" – In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
- EVENTS – Source: The Florentine – "The English speaking local newspaper in Florence"
- EVENTS AND FESTIVALS – In English, German, Italian – Source: waytuscany
- Events in Tuscany –By month – Source: knowital.com
- Events in Tuscany – "BITE SIZED PORTIONS OF INFORMATION FOR THE INDEPENDENT VISITOR TO ITALY" – Source: Delicious Italy ® – "... is an independent guide to the food, wine, culture, history and traditions of Italy by region and territory and as proposed by local Italian incoming tourism service providers from Trieste to Ragusa."
- Events in Tuscany – In English, Italian – Source: Saimicadove.it – "Getting the most out of Tuscany" – Please note: The Italian version provides more detail and events.
- Events in Tuscany – Fee based unless purchasing an accommodation from web site – Source: Welcome to Tuscany Traveller - Welcome to Tuscany – "Very useful Information and selective accommodation booking-service for travellers in Tuscany"
- Events Taking Place – Source: WORLD EVENTS GUIDE
- Florence Events and Florence Festivals (Florence, Italy) – Source: World Guide to Florence section of world-guides.com
- Folkloric and gastronomic events in San Miniato area, Pisa province and north Tuscany – "2009 EVENTS CALENDAR" – Source: Aolmaia Tuscany Society
- Manifestazioni (Events) – In Italian Only – Location: Subbiano (AR) – Source: Comune di Subbiano
- moflo – "your online guide to Florence" (moreonflorence)
- Street Shopping: Outdoor Markets in Tuscany – Source: In Italy Online!
- Terre di Siena – From the main menu, select Eventi. Please note: while you will see the flags for English and Japanese, you will see ALL events under the Italian version – Source: APT Siena - APT Chianciano Terme Val di Chiana – In English, Italian, Japanese
- Toscana Folklore – In Italian Only – Events by month and by province
- Treno Natura (Nature Train) – In Italian Only – various dates throughout the year – departs from and returns to Siena (SI) or from various cities in the Province of Siena – Source: APT Siena - APT Chianciano Terme Val di Chiana – In English, Italian, Japanese
- vivifirenze – "living & studying in florence" – Please scroll down to the section on the left portion of the web page titled "What's On in Florence" and select one of the following:
- What's On: Tuscany – "Tuscany's most comprehensive English-language guide to What's On throughout the Tuscany region, with events, music, sport and more..." – Source: AngloINFO Tuscany – "Life in Tuscany, in English!"
- whatsonwhen™ – "The local guide for the global traveller."
FESTIVALS (feste)/FIERA (fairs) - LISTS
- Feste per un anno – In Italian Only – By Month – Source: Unicoop Firenze
- Festivals in Tuscany 2009 – "Tuscan fairs, Tuscan festivals, folklore, sagre, feste and events in Tuscany - a Tuscany festival calendar"Festa del Cinghiale Lucignano
- FESTIVALS IN LUNIGIANA – In Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish – Source: TerreDiLunigiana.com (Lands of Lunigiana)
- Festivals and Seasonal Events in Tuscany – Source: Tourism in Tuscany – "An Insider's guide to Tuscany"
- local festivals / provincia di arezzo – [includes sagre and other events] – Source: WWW.TUSCANYDIRECT.IT – "Holiday apartments in Pari, Southern Tuscany"
- Toscana in Festa – "is designed to help you discover Tuscany using a simple and fast consultation and search method. Thanks to this web-site you can find out about all the events taking place at any given time of the year, museums are listed according to subject, and you can find out all the information you need to know about each municipality of Tuscany."
- Dates: 2 - 3 October
- Dates: 6 - 7 November
- Dates: 4 -5 December
- Lucca Mercato dell'Antiquariato (Antique Market) – On the third Sunday and the Saturday before – Location: Within the walls of Lucca
- Dates: 16 - 17 October
- Dates: 20 - 21 November
- Dates: 18 -19 December
- Mercato dell'Antiquariato (Antiques Market) – On the fourth Sunday of the month – Location: Centro Storico, Monte San Savino (AR)
- Date: 29 August
- Date: 11 October -- not a Sunday
- Date: 24 October
- Date: 28 November
- Date: 26 December
- Mercatini di Natale – In Italian Only – Dates: 12 December – centro storico, Monte San Savino (AR) – Times: 14:00 = 19:00 (2:00 -7:00 PM) – Source: hand bill and Comune di Monte San Savino
- MERCATINI NATALIZI in Toscana – In Italian Only – Source:
- Other markets – TBA (To Be Announced)
- local festivals / provincia di arezzo – [includes sagre and other events] – Source: WWW.TUSCANYDIRECT.IT – "Holiday apartments in Pari, Southern Tuscany"
- Monthly Calendar of "Le Sagre" in Maremma – Please scroll down to this section of the web page – Please note: Be aware that this calendar is not current – Source: Maremma, Tuscany Travel Guide – "Maremma's beauty will capture your heart, Her wildernesses touch your soul."
- sagreinitalia.it – "Il portale delle sagre, fierre e manifestazioni tradizionali" – In Italian Only
- Under "Dove" (where), select "Toscana" or whatever region you are interested in or planning to go to
- Under "A partire da :", select time frame
- Under "Che cosa:", select type of event, feste, sagre, etc.
- Sagre e Feste in Toscana – Some events in English but mostly In Italian – Source: Saimicadove.it – "Il Portale per Vivere la Toscana" – Please note: The Italian version provides more detail and events. – See above Events in Tuscany
- Toscana e Tirreno – In English, Italian
- Tutte le sagre e feste di Toscana: 2010 – Events: In Italian Only
- Feste e sagre ad Arezzo
- Feste e Sagre a Firenze
- Feste e Sagre a Grosseto
- Feste e Sagre a Livorno
- Feste e Sagre a Lucca
- Feste e Sagre a Massa Carrara
- Feste e Sagre a Pisa
- Feste e Sagre a Pistoia
- Feste e Sagre a Prato
- Feste e Sagre a Siena
SOURCES/LISTS- EVENTI UNICI DI OGGI (Today's events) – In Italian Only – Events by month under "CALENDARIO EVENTI A FIRENZE" – In Firenze and the province – Source: Digi space.it – "il portale dei divertimento"
- Eventi e Sagre – "Estate (summer) 2010 " – "Eventi, Fiere, Sagre, Mercatini, Manifestazioni, Ricette..." – In Italian Only – Source: eventiesagre.it
- From the home page, select Eventi
- On the next screen, you can make multiple selections from Categoria (category), Sezione (section), Mese (Month), Regione (region), Provincia (province), Città (City)
- For events in Toscana (Tuscany), please select the following:
- Under Sezione, select Feste or Sagre
- Under Mese, select the specific month you are looking for
- Under Regione, select Toscana or another region in Italy
- Under Provincia, select one of 10 provinces
- Under Città, select the city of the event or leave blank
- Eventi e Manifestazioni in Italia (Events and Entertainment) – "Guida completa a feste, sagre, fiere, mercatini e manifestazioni." – By Region – Please note: The Italian version provides more detail and events. – Source: Paesi on Line – In English, Italian
- EVENTS – Source: The Florentine – "The English speaking local newspaper in Florence"
- Feste per un anno – In Italian Only – By Month – Source: Unicoop Firenze
- Festivals in Tuscany 2009 – "Tuscan fairs, Tuscan festivals, folklore, sagre, feste and events in Tuscany - a Tuscany festival calendar"
- Main Events – this a partial listing of events in the province of Arezzo – Source: Apt Arezzo – "agenzia per il turismo" – In English, Italian – Italian version contains more information
- sagreinitalia.it – "Il portale delle sagre, fierre e manifestazioni tradizionali" – In Italian Only
- Under "Dove" (where), select "Toscana" or whatever region you are interested in
- Under "A partire da :", select time frame
- Under "Che cosa:", select type of event, feste, sagre, etc.
- From the web sites of the APT (agenzia per il turismo) for the various provinces of Toscana. Please note: The Italian version provides more detail and information about the respective events in their respective province.
- In the province of Arezzo, Eventi e manifestazioni – In English, Italian
- In the province of Firenze, from the main page of apt FIRENZE – In English, Italian – select Eventi
- In the province of Grosseto, from the main page of Agenzia per il Turismo della Maremma (Grosseto) – In English, German, Italian – select EVENTS
- In the province of Livorno, from the main page of Costa degli Etruschi – "mediterranean tuscany" – In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish – select from "events of this month" section of the main web page
- In the province of Lucca, from the main page of APT LUCCA, select a day from the section titled, "", where XXX is the month of the year
- In the province of Massa Carrara, there is no separate page on the APT MASSA CARRARA web site for events – In English, French, Italian
- In the province of Pisa, there is no separate page on the APT PISA web site for events – In English, Italian
- In the province of Pistoia, from the main page of AGENZIA PER IL TURISMO ABETONE PISTOIA MONTAGNA PISTOIESE – In English, German, Italian (Please note: While it states an English and German version, only Italian works) – select Eventi
- In the province of Prato, from the main page of APT PRATO – In English, German, Italian – select Events
- In the province of Siena, from the main page of Terre di Siena – In English, Italian, Japanese – select Eventi
- The Umbrian Sagra Survival Guide – Rebecca Brigolante – NOTE: Much of what Rebecca writes applies to sagre in other parts of Italy. The main difference is the duration of the sagra. – Source: Brigolante Guest Apartments – "Agritourism in Umbria – Vacation Home Rental Near Assisi" – In English, French, German, Italian
- Expo Regalo – In Italian Only – Dates: 4 - 12 December – Location: Umbrafiere, Bastia Umbra (PG) – Free admission but paid parking – Source: web site
- Please check "LISTS" below for other events in Umbria
- Please check "LISTS" below for other feste/sagre in Umbria
- Please check "LISTS" below for other feste/sagre in Umbria
- Info on some of my blog entries (URLs) for Tuscany/Toscana, Italy *, dated Wednesday, July 22, 2009
- Info on Market Days - Outdoor Markets in Tuscany *, dated Friday, May 16, 2008
- Info on the Toscana (Tuscany) Region of Italy - Part 2 *, dated Tuesday, June 26, 2007
- Info on the Toscana (Tuscany) Region of Italy - Part 1 *, dated Tuesday, June 19, 2007
* = Blog entry has been updated.
For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using

The above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this blog entry.
Please note: If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further information by email, please include your email address in a separate comment. I will
NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.
NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 300+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for
Moving2Italy2, covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event that you come across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of this successful and informative blog.
FYI: Wherever possible, I attempted to provide information about a specific event, festa or sagra in English. However, while a web site states there may be an English version of it, you will usually find more information about the specific event, festa or sagra in the Italian version.
For those of you that say there is nothing to do on weekends in Italy, you are
WRONG! Before my wife and I moved to Italy in 2007, we had attended several feste, sagre and events in the years before our move. You can spend as much or as little as you want and get to meet and see Italians, their friends and other travelers and visitors celebrate various and sundry events in and around their towns. There is more to Italy than museums, historical sites, art, hilltop towns/cities, etc.
According to the August, 2008 issue of Italy Magazine, "...you have on average 1,000 different sagre in each of Italy's 21 regions." So, if I missed your favorite event, festa and/or sagra in Toscana (Tuscany), please send me an email MSG or post a comment.
When you are driving around or walking around the many towns and cities of Toscana, take the time to read the bulletin/notice/bill boards in these towns and cities. This is where my wife and I find about a specific event, festa or sagra in the town, city or somewhere in the surrounding area. Depending on the size of the event, festa or sagra, it may not have a web site or be listed on web sites that keep track of events, feste or sagre in Italy. You will find most of these notices for events, feste or sagre are usually printed in a bright color and sometimes only a week or two before the actual event, festa or sagra.
For events, feste and sagre outside of Toscana, please read my blog entries titled,
Info on Events and Festivals (festa or sagra) in Italy and
Info on Events and Festivals (feste or sagre) in Umbria. If I missed any events, feste and sagre, please send me an email MSG or post a comment.
EXPLANATION: The reason that I have provided multiple sources and lists is because there is no all inclusive listing for feste, sagre and events in Toscana or Italy. Even if an event, festa or sagra is listed somewhere, it may be dated, contain inaccurate information or list information from last year's event, festa or sagra.
That's it for Wednesday, 6 January 2010: mercoledì, 06
gennaio 2010
Ciao, Ben
Moving2Italy2 – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.
Today’s quote is an Italian proverb, author unknown.
"Non si puo bere e soffiaare.""One cannot drink and whistle at once."When you have a free moment or two, please read my wife's interesting and entertaining blog about our life in Italy with photographs:
Friends and Family in Italy
Going to Spain, read my new blog:
Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.
Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.
(LAST EDITED/UPDATED: 8 December 2010)
© Benjamin H. Licodo, 2005 - 2010, All Rights Reserved.