Here are some links about, for or on resources for individuals considering a move to Italy – PART 2:
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – ITALY – "Everything you need to know about moving to Italy!" – Source: web site
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – LIGURIA – "Life on the Italian Riviera, in English" – "Life on the Italian Riviera, in English!" – Source: web site
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – MILAN – "Life in Lombardy, in English" – "Life in Lombardy, in English!" – Source: web site
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – ROME – "Life in Rome, in English!" – Source: web site
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – TUSCANY – "Life in Tuscany, in English!"
– Source: web site
- Angloinfo® – "the global expat network" – UMBRIA – "Life in Umbria, in English!" – Source: web site
- BritishExpats.com – "Serving the expat community" – Source: web site – ""
- Forum – "You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. By joining our community you will be able to start discussions and connect with other British Expats around the world. As well as interacting with others you can also create your own Blog, and Photo Gallery and access many other special features."
- Articles – ""
- Wiki – "A 'Wiki' is a collaborative effort by an online community to add and edit useful content, so if you are a member who has some top tips or information to share please feel free to get stuck in. Our aim is to make this a useful resource for british expats worldwide."
- Classifieds – "Recent Ads"
- Photo Gallery – "Category & Recent Photos"
- Member Blogs –"Latest Blog Entries"
- Arcade – "Arcade Games"
- Links – "Search"
- Advertise – "Advertising Information"
- Expat Arrivals – "local info for global expats" – Source: web site
- Italy section on the above web site:
- Expat Exchange
– "Welcome! If you're moving overseas, settling in abroad, an expert on
international living, a repatriate, or just considering an expatriate
adventure, Expat Exchange can help! Since 1997, we've helped millions of
expats worldwide." – Source: web site – Join Expat Exchange (FREE) – Become a member of Expat Exchange today to meet other expats in your area or get advice before moving overseas. Membership is FREE and takes 1 minute!
- Italy Guide - section
- Activity Feed (AKA Italy Expat Feed)
- Italy Forum – "Welcome to Expat Exchange's Italy Forum. This expat forum is perfect place for expats living in Italy and people considering a move to Italy. Since 1997, Expat Exchange has been connecting expats in Italy."`
- Newsletter (AKA Italy Daily) Update – "Many subscribers to our weekly newsletter, The Foreign Exchange, have suggested that we publish a daily newsletter. As a supplement to The Foreign Exchange, which is delivered every Monday, our new Italy Daily Update is delivered Tuesdays through Fridays. The Daily Update provides a brief update on news items related to expat life, advice from members and experts in Italy. Sign up today!"
- Expat Reports: Advice from Expats – "Our report series offers advice from expats in the field -- those who
have been there, done that! Interested in sharing your experiences?
Click on the reports below and follow the link at the top of each page . . ."
- Italy Articles – "Advice for expats living in Italy"
- Italy Tips – "Tips from expats and experts about moving to Italy and living in Italy."
- Property – "Our new overseas property listings are a great way for expats to find properties when moving abroad and sell or rent them when moving again. Property listings are FREE!"
- Jobs – "Our international job listings are a great place for expats to search for overseas jobs and for international employers to promote job openings to our expat audience. Job listings are FREE!"
- Expat Blogs – "Italy: Expat Blogs & Websites"
- Travel Warnings – "Below are the US State Department issued travel alerts and travel warnings for Italy. We use the US State Department's alerts because they are in the public domain and most other governments' warnings are copyright protected."
- ExpatFocus – "FOR ANYONE MOVING OR LIVING ABROAD" – Source: web site
- Italy – "Country Guide" - section
- Overview
- Language
- Health
- Utilities
- Communications
- Consumer Issues
- Expat Groups
- Climate and Weather
- Visas, Permits, Etc
- Employment
- Employment – "Job-hunting in Italy is a major topic, with much information available online and elsewhere. We have condensed some useful information, as follows:"
- Business Culture – "Italians prefer face to face business communications, and like to conduct business with people they already know and trust."
- Driving
- Driving – "This section aims to provide foreign residents with useful information on driving in Italy, as well as procedures to follow:"
- Leisure, Entertainment and Sports
- Leisure, Entertainment and Sports – "All of Italy's main cities and many towns offer lively and sophisticated nightlife, with stylish clubs and bars, as well as theatres, concert halls, cinemas and other entertainment venues."
- Getting There
- Getting There
– "Italy's main international airports are Rome's Leonardo da Vinci
International Airport and Ciampino International Airport, and Milan's
Malpensa International Airport. Florence, Venice, Bologna and Naples
also have international airports."
- Financial
- Property
- Education
- "Education and Schools" – "Families arranging their children's education in Italy can choose between the state system, international schools and homeschooling/home education."
- Pets
- EXPAT INFO DESK– "Feel at home abroad — fast" – "Welcome to Expat Info Desk, your online resource for being and becoming an expatriate." – Source: web site
- Destinations
- Expat's Manual
- Introduction – "How can the Expat Manual help you?"
- What is an Expat? – ""
- The Best Countries to Live In For You – "We are often asked which are the best countries to live in. This is a very difficult question to answer, as what is a dream location for one person, may constitute a living nightmare to someone else. Whatever your reasons for starting a new life as an expat abroad, it is very important that you thoroughly research the city that you are considering relocating to. . ."
- Expat Contract Negotiation – "is one of the most critical elements of a move overseas if you are relocating for work purposes and negotiating a thorough and robust expat contract when you accept a job abroad as an expatriate is the single most important element of moving abroad. The benefits, allowances and conditional clauses you negotiate at this stage of the moving process will be crucial to ensuring that your new life abroad gets off on the best possible footing. Unfortunately the process is far from simple."
- Expatriate Compensation Packages – "can vary enormously from company to company and location to location. When negotiating an expat contract that is right for your needs and those of your family, it is important that you carefully consider several factors:"
- Negotiating Relocation Packages – "involves understanding what your needs are and how they can be incorporated into a legally binding agreement that is enforceable in your host country. There are a number of different areas you should take into consideration and in this section we take a look at them and consider how they should be approached when negotiating relocation packages."
- Terminating an Expatriate Contract – "can be as complicated as creating it. A key inclusion in the expat contract concerns the grounds for termination and it is crucial that a section that defines the notice and termination terms is including in order to prevent any issues. If this is not included in the contract the laws of the host country may be applied, and this may have an impact on the notice period and the amount of severance pay that you are entitled to as an employee. Things that you should ensure are included in the contract are as follows:"
- Relocation Contract Limitations – "Even the most perfect relocation contract has limitations and there are a number of things outside of your control that may impact the extent to which the obligations contained within the contract are enforceable and can be fulfilled. You should bear in mind the following:"
- Expat Employment Contract Checklist – "When you negotiate you expatriate contract there are a number of things you should include. Use our expat employment contract checklist to help you to make sure your contract is water tight."
- The Cost of Living – "The cost of living allowance (COLA) is an allowance that is often awarded to expats who move overseas as part of a job offer and is based upon the need to ensure that the lifestyle that they enjoy in their home country can, at a very minimum, be retained if they are relocated elsewhere. As an individual who is considering a relocation, you need to ensure that any salary or allowances that you are awarded with be relative to any increases in the cost of living that you can anticipate; a move to a city that has a higher cost of living should be accompanied by a relatively higher salary. For this reason, the COLA allowance will be an important part of any contract negotiation process."
- Planning a Move Abroad – "is a significant undertaking that requires a great deal of thoughtful consideration. Once you have finalized a move overseas and started to put everything in place that you will need for a new life abroad, you should momentarily divert your attention away from the exciting new life that awaits and concentrate on your current life in the present. There will be a significant amount of organizational and administrative tasks that you will need to carry out in order to fully tie up any existing commitments before you start afresh elsewhere. The last thing you want to do is to arrive in a new country with a large number of issues outstanding from your previous life at home. For this reason, planning your relocation is crucial."
- Expat Banking and Expat Taxes – "Appropriate management of your finances will be critical to ensuring that you can enjoy your new life abroad without leaving a mess behind you. Here's our guide to expat banking and expat taxes."
- Expat Property – "If you own your own property you will have some major decisions to make regarding real estate relocation before you move abroad. Whether you sell or rent out your property can depend upon a number of different factors."
- Moving Your Family Overseas – "takes much more planning and careful consideration than if you were traveling alone. Preparing to move your family to a new country can be both an exciting and stressful time. You will also need to think of the members of your family who will not be coming on your adventure with you and the ways in which you can ensure that you maintain your relationships before, during and after the move."
- Packing For a Move Abroad – "can be somewhat of a dark art but it is crucial that you get it right. Before you start packing all your belongings away ready for shipment to your expat destination, it is worth taking a look through everything you intend to take with you and questioning whether it will really be of use to you in your new life abroad. We have prepared an overview of some of the key areas you should consider."
- Moving Checklist Template – "Plan your move overseas perfectly with our free moving checklist
template. The best way to make sure you have completed everything which
needs doing in preparation of your departure is to make a list and work
out when each task should be finished. The following is a good example
of a 90 day timeline."
- Expat Insurance – "is absolutely critical and should be one of your top considerations when moving overseas. The majority of countries around the world do not offer expatiates free healthcare, even in emergencies, and rising medical costs around the world entail that a comprehensive international health insurance plan is a pre-requisite for anyone who is contemplating a move overseas. Such a plan is necessary to ensure adequate coverage in the event of an emergency and is it crucial that all expats take the necessary action to ensure that their health and well-being is protected and provided for via an appropriate level of expat insurance."
- Expat Medical Insurance – "can be very confusing. There are many different types of health and medical insurance available on the market and it is important that you thoroughly research the different options before you select your health insurance. A good starting point is to identify what types of healthcare will, and won’t, be available to you in the host country. Each Expat Info Desk relocation guide contains comprehensive information about the healthcare systems within popular expatriate destinations throughout the world and gives you full information pertaining to the care that is on offer, and the level of service you can expect together with details about how you can attain private healthcare and contact details for private hospitals and clinics throughout the city."
- Expat Healthcare Insurance – "One of the biggest concerns that many expats have when moving overseas relates to healthcare insurance and the quality and availability of medical provisions in their host country. While the healthcare available in the west is generally well developed and up to a high standard, this may not necessarily be the case in locations overseas and the availability of good facilities is a key consideration when assessing if an expat destination will be suitable."
- Expat Health Insurance: Key Considerations – "When seeking a provider for expat health insurance there are a number of things that you need to take into consideration. Here's an overview of some of the factors that should be addressed when selecting a provider:"
- Medical Insurance Glossary – "Health insurance policies can be a minefield of technical jargon and small print. In order to help you to identify a policy that is right for your needs we have put together a medical insurance glossary that you can use to navigate the insurance maze."
- Medical Insurance Checklist – There is a large range of insurers out there and it can be very easy to quickly become confused. Use our medical insurance checklist to ensure that you have all vital areas covered and that you find a policy that is suitable for an expat lifestyle.
- Settling In – "when moving overseas is potentially one of the biggest challenges you will face when moving overseas. Many expats plan their move abroad meticulously and ensure that all the tasks associated with leaving their home country are completed in full prior to their physical move to a new country. However, some people fail to consider the things that they will need to do once they arrive and it is common for expats to go into shock when they find themselves in a strange country with no friends, living amongst people whose beliefs and lifestyles are completely different from that which they are used to."
- Coping With Culture Shock – "is one of the more challenging aspects of moving overseas for the first time. Moving abroad, albeit exciting, can also be a very stressful and challenging process. Quite often you will find that the culture and lifestyle of the place of your relocation is extremely different from that which you are used to and this can make it very hard for you to fit in and feel at home."
- Settling Abroad – "Once the excitement of moving overseas has subsided you will face a whole new challenge; settling in. It is of vital importance that anyone who moves abroad adjusts to their new lives as quickly as possible. The sooner you realize that the move is permanent life should go on as normal, the better it will be for yourself and your family."
- Making Friends Abroad – "can be quite a daunting experience but the sooner you form a social network the better you will feel about living overseas. Having people to share your experiences with, both good and bad, will assist you to feel more comfortable and settle in well. Whilst many people find that expat clubs, groups and forums are a good way of meeting new people, you should not overlook the local population and you should try, where possible, to form friendships with people who are native to your expat destination. A strong social circle that consists of people both from your home country and from your expat destination can help you to settle in more quickly and feel a true sense of belonging."
- Getting a Maid – "or hiring domestic help is often a new concept for many expatriates. In many Asian countries, maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners and cooks are part of everyday life but for many westerners the idea of someone ‘invading’ your personal space could seem very alien. Getting a maid who lives in your home with you and your family may initially make you feel very uncomfortable. However, you will find, as many expats do, that your home help will ultimately become an essential part of your family."
- Learning a Foreign Language – "Moving overseas often necessitates learning a foreign language as there is every possibility that the country to which your moving has a different language than that of your native tongue. While English is spoken throughout the world, the extent to which it is in use and understood will vary tremendously and in some countries you will find that language barriers are a big obstacle in your day-to-day life."
- How to Learn a Language – "Acquiring language skills can be very difficult and many expatriates struggle with how to learn a language. Choosing a course that is suitable for you will very much depend upon what your personal learning preferences and style. There are several different types of language learning approaches that are available:"
- Tips for Learning a Language – "Mastering a foreign language isn't all about text books and MP3 files. There are many methods of optimizing your language acquisition and mastering the local lingo. Here's some top tips for learning a language when moving overseas."
- Foreign Language Profiles – "There are just under 7000 languages spoken throughout the world and it is generally accepted that some of these are harder to learn than others. Here we review foreign language profiles, assessing the difficulty of some of the most commonly spoken languages in the world."
- Raising Bilingual Children – "may be a necessity if you are taking children to a new country. Children can acquire languages much more effectively that adults and it is useful to begin their language learning as soon as possible."
- Expat Partners – "who experience a move overseas together go through a great deal together; some of it good and some of it bad. Relocating to a new country, whilst exciting, can also be very challenging and you should never underestimate the impact that it can have on your partner. In a large percentage of cases only one half of a married couple will have successfully secured a job abroad, leaving the other half with the challenge of finding their own job or reinventing themselves in their new country of residence; you will commonly hear this partner referred to as the trailing spouse. It is crucial that neither party takes international relocation lightly and that as a couple you work together in order to ensure that live abroad is a pleasant experience for you both."
- Trailing Spouse – "The term Trailing Spouse is commonly applied to someone who joins their partner in a move abroad without having secured suitable employment in the new location. Expats frequently refer to "Trailing Spouse Syndrome", which is a state of stress and discontent that can occur when the trailing spouse feels unfulfilled and lacking in direction. Whilst some individuals may feel excited at the prospect of swapping busy, successful careers for a relaxing life in the sun, many of them find that the reality is somewhat different, and they can begin to feel bored and withdrawn. Below are common problems experienced expat partners who move abroad, together with some advice concerning how you can avoid them from becoming a significant issue."
- Expat Relationships – "can be very challenging. When couples move abroad, a great deal of attention is focussed upon the practicalities of moving overseas and settling in. H"
- Long Distance Relationships – "Making Long-Distance Relationships Work" – "If it is not possible for your spouse to follow you abroad, or if they are really unhappy and have decided to move back home, you will may have to cope with a long-distance marriage or relationship. Long distance relationships can be very difficult and, in order for them to work, you will both need to work very hard."
- Moving Abroad Alone – "s not the strange phenomenon that it once was. In today’s climate, where career progression is important and young professionals want to make a name for themselves, relocating abroad alone is becoming increasingly common. There are often great opportunities in a foreign country that offer more appealing job roles and the chance to climb up the career ladder more quickly. A new term has emerged for single expats who move abroad alone and they are often referred to as Generation Expat or Genxpat. Such groups are generally typified by young, single, internationally mobile professionals who have an opportunity to relocate with work. There is no shortage of them in expat communities throughout the world."
- Expat Dating – "One of the biggest advantages for people who do move abroad alone is the opportunity to live life to the full in their host country. Quite often this involves expat dating and having a new country full of dating prospects can be a real bonus for expat singletons. Here's an overview of expat dating and the inherent implications."
- Living Abroad With Children – "can be quite stressful. Moving to a new country can be very daunting for any individual, but when there are children involved the pressure related to making a success of your new life abroad can be even greater. The experience of living in a new country, however, can be one of the most rewarding ones you can undertake for yourself and your family. Expat children are exposed to cultures and ideas that some adults will never even encounter."
- Expat Child Syndrome (ECS) – "is a term that has been coined by psychologists to describe an emotional stress in children caused by a move abroad."
- Moving Overseas With Children: Preparing Your Child – "Moving overseas alone is challenge enough but moving overseas with children can be enough to test even the strongest families. Adequately preparing your children for a move overseas is extremely important and will assist you to ensure that your relocation gets off to the best possible start. You may receive a varied reaction from your children when you break the news that you will be moving to another country as a family. Depending upon the age of the children involved, and their affinity to their home country, this can vary from immense excitement to a complete reluctance to leave their home and social network behind. Either way it is important when moving overseas with children that you prepare your children psychologically in advance of the move so that they can be in the best possible mental state when they arrive in their new country of residence."
- Living Overseas With Children – "is not always easy and making sure that you and your family adapt well to your new life will be your number one priority once you arrive in a new country. Children generally adapt to change very well and it will not be too long before they have settled in and made new friends. However, it is very important to remain vigilant to their feelings throughout the process and continually help them to accept that their new country is their home."
- Expatriate Schools – "We are often asked about expatriate schools and how to find a school for an expatriate child. While some countries do offer educational establishments that are specifically aimed at the expat market, the reality is that, when moving overseas, you will be choosing over whether to send your child to an international school or a local school. Here's some help and advice on making that decision."
- Taking Pets Abroad – "is not something you should do without detailed planning and careful consideration. Depending on which country you are moving from, and to, there are a number of areas you need to be aware of when you consider taking your pets abroad. The next few sections provide useful advice for pet owners who are moving abroad and contain some insights into the issues you need to be aware of when planning a move for your pet. Sufficient forward planning will help you to ensure that you do the right thing for your pet and make their move abroad as painless as possible."
- International Animal Transport – "There are many different forms of international animal transport and the one that suits your needs will vary according to your pet, where you are traveling from and where you are traveling to."
- Shipping Your Pet – "overseas should never be taken lightly and you should do everything you can to ensure that your animal is properly looked after and the stress it endues is minimized as much as possible. There are a number of things that you can do in advance in order to ensure that your pet’s relocation to a new country runs smoothly with the least possible distress for your animal."
- Shipping Pets Abroad: Key Considerations – "is something that should never be done without careful consideration. Pet relocation can be stressful for both the animal and the owners. Pets are often an integral part of any family and the thought of leaving them behind when you move to a new country can be simply unbearable. However, out of love for your pet, you should take time to truly consider if the move abroad will be right for them. There are a number of factors you should consider when contemplating shipping pets abroad-"
- Keeping in Touch – "Relocating to a new country doesn't mean that you have to lose contact with your friends and family at home and keeping in touch with the people back home is extremely important. Today's technology offerings mean that it is easier than ever to communicate quickly and easily over vast distances and there are multiple ways in which you can contact the people you love and keep them up to date with events in your new life abroad."
- Starting a Company Abroad – "Many people’s dream of relocating abroad goes hand-in-hand with the aspiration to start their own business. Starting a company abroad will be challenging and will require a significant amount of work and effort. You will also need to ensure that your proposition can be a success whilst remaining within the legal requirements of the country you relocate to. There are a number of areas you should consider when contemplating setting up a business abroad-"
- Expat Business Ideas – "Quite often expats relocate to a new country without having secured work beforehand. This is especially the case with a trailing spouse who may have moved overseas as a result to a change to their partner’s job. Many of the expats who find themselves in this position choose to take the opportunity to start their own business or work for themselves. We have put together a list of expat business ideas that you may wish to consider if you want to start your own venture abroad."
- Work Overseas – "Suitable work overseas can be very difficult to find and if you have decided to pack up and relocate abroad in search of a new job, you need to be aware of the realities you will face. In a perfect world, there will be no problem securing your dream job in your dream country. However, this is highly unlikely in the real world, so it is important to prioritize your list of needs and decide whether the job or the country is more important."
- Finding an Expatriate Job – "is not easy and you need to be prepared to put a great deal of time and effort into your search. Here's some tips for approaching the job search in the most effective manner."
- Teaching Abroad Resources – "If you're considering teaching abroad, make sure you fully research the job, location and school. Here's a list of useful teaching abroad resources that may be of use to you when embarking on a teaching career overseas."
- International Teaching Jobs – "One of the most common occupations of expatriates throughout the world is that of a teacher, and international teaching jobs offer a viable option for individuals to attain gainful employment overseas. In order to be successful in this type of role you should be flexible and adventurous and should be to new cultures and ways of working."
- Retiring Abroad – "is becoming increasingly popular and the prospect of retiring in a new country can be extremely exciting for many people. After years of hard work it makes sense to seek out new experiences and moving to a new country can offer you a valuable opportunity to pursue new interests and an exciting lifestyle. Experiencing life as an expat living in a new country amongst different people can help you to see retirement as the start of a new exciting phase of your life as opposed to being the end of your productive existence."
- Retirement Visas – "are not always compulsory and there are many countries throughout the world where it is possible for retirees to reside without any formal citizenship. Countries are increasingly trying to attract retirees by offering special programs that make retirement easier. However, retirees will usually be required to show proof of their retirement income and may also be asked to deposit a pre-determined amount of money in a local bank account. In the majority of countries retirees are not permitted to participate in any paid activity or run any type of business."
- Retirement Finances – "There are a number of key areas pertaining to retirement finances and banking that you should consider when you move abroad. It is crucial that you fully research the following areas:"
- Health and Social Security – "One of the most important issues that you should consider when deciding whether retirement abroad will be suitable for you is healthcare. There are many factors that need to be considered with regards to medical issues. Firstly, it is vital that you have adequate insurance, which will cover you abroad for all eventualities, including repatriation. Whilst many retirees live long, healthy lives overseas the likelihood of a requirement for medical attention is much higher and people can expect to encounter many more health problems in their post-retirement years. It is therefore crucial that you ensure that you have excellent health insurance that is valid for retirees."
- Best Places to Retire in the World – "Everyone has their own opinion about which are the best places to retire in the world. Where you choose to retire to will depend on many factors, which include how much money you have, how far you want to travel and which culture interests you the most. The following is an overview of the most popular destinations that retirees move to:"
- Checklist for British Expatriates Retiring Abroad – ""
- Coming Back Home: Repatriating – "Whatever your reasons for repatriating into your home country there are a number of things that you should consider prior to doing do. In the same way that you needed to carefully plan your move abroad you should also prepare in advance for your move back home. While you will have familiarity with your home country and probably a strong network of friends and family, there are still some key areas that will need your consideration."
- Meeting Obligations at Home – "Where you relocate and how you live there will be affected greatly by where you are from in the world. Each country has special rules and regulations governing their citizens abroad. There are some that have tax treaties with other countries, others that have health care agreements with partnering nations and still others that mostly let their expatriates fend for themselves."
- American Expats – "At present, there are approximately 4 million America expats living abroad and this number is growing at a steady pace each year."
- British Expats – "At present, there are approximately 5.5 million British expats living abroad and this number is growing at a steady pace each year."
- Canadian – "At present, there are approximately 2.6 million Canadians, about 9% of the population, who are currently living overseas and are classified as expatriates, or expats for short"
- Relinquishing Citizenship and Passport Surrender – "After you have been living abroad for some time you may take the decision to make your move permanent and you may start to consider relinquishing citizenship of your home country. The following sections contain nationality specific information for passport surrender for a number of different countries including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India and Australia."
- Expat Resources – "In the following two sections you will find details of some of our favorite expat resources for people who have moved abroad or are considering international relocation."
- Expat Websites – "There are a whole host of expat websites available on the Internet that can assist you with various elements of your move overseas. We have put together a list of recommended expat websites that can be used together with our international relocation guides in order to assist your relocation to go as smoothly as possible."
- Expat Books – "When moving overseas it is advisable to do as much research as possible. Expat books offer a great resource for people and there are a number of publications available that cater to all needs. Here's a selection of the best:"
- Blog
- Forums – "Welcome to our forums, here we hope to grow a community of like-minded expats (and potential expats) to create and reply to each others questions, thoughts, concerns and comments about being or becoming an expatriate."
- Expat Directory – "Welcome to our expat directory. Here you'll find a comprehensive resource of companies that meet all expat needs. From visa application support, financial advice and tax services through to relocation experts, educational facilities and help learning a language, if you're looking for companies that are either run by expatriates or helping expatriates, you'll find them all here. You can find out more below."
- News
- Shop
- THE INFORMER – "The Online Guide to Living in Italy" – "Immigration | Tax & social security | Legal matters | Driving | Finance | Property | Miscellaneous
" – Source: web site – "Understanding Italy" – "This site relies
heavily on subscriptions for its financing, so your active support is
much appreciated. . ."
- Italy – "La Dolce Vita Means “The Sweet Life...” and Life Gets no Sweeter Than in Sunny Italy" – "About" – Source: INTERNATIONALLIVING,com – "Since 1997" – "Live Better - for Less - Overseas"
- Just Landed Italy
– "Living, working or studying in Italy? Just Landed helps you manage
everyday life. Our Italy Guide covers topics like visas, housing, jobs
and finance. Join the Just Landed Community, get in touch with people
like you and share your experiences. Most importantly, have fun!" – "About us" – Source: Just Landed – "Everything you need to live abroad - connecting expats worldwide."
- Visas & Permits
– "Before leaving to come to Italy, make sure you understand your legal
situation. Depending on your nationality, you might need a visa,
residence permit and/or work permit. Read our guide to legal
requirements for coming to Italy or use the Just Landed forums to ask
other members for help."
- Jobs
– "Finding a job in Italy isn't easy - especially as foreigner. Our job
guide provides information about salaries, contracts and working
conditions. Look in the classifieds for positions available and post an
ad with your details. Chat with other job-seekers in the forums."
- Housing & Rentals
– "Finding a nice place to live is always difficult. Italy is no
exception - finding the right accommodation can be hard, especially in
large cities. Read our guide to room and flat rental. Check out the
classifieds for available property and people looking to share flats."
- Property
– "Finding your dream home or even just a nice place to live is tough
anywhere. Buying property is usually one of the hardest purchases any of
us have to make. Check out our guide for pointers on getting it right.
Look in the classifieds for available properties and share your
experiences in the forum."
- Health
– "We recommend you make sure you are covered for healthcare at all
times in Italy. This section provides information on the Italian health
system, Italian doctors, hospitals and medical treatment. Things may not
work the same way as at home - get informed in case you get ill."
- Money
– "If you are staying more than three months in Italy, you will
probably need an Italian bank account. Find out about how to open
accounts, get credit cards, transfer money in Italy and abroad and
income tax. Managing your finances will be easier with our step-by-step
guides and articles."
- Language
– "Learning a foreign language is a challenge for everyone. However,
being able to communicate in Italian will help you get the most out of
living in Italy. Check out our information about language courses and
schools. You can also put up an ad in the classifieds for a language
exchange partner."
- Telephone & Internet
– "When you arrive in a new country, getting connected by telephone,
mobile and internet is usually a high priority. See our guide and
directory for information about telecom providers, ISPs, tariffs and
tips on saving money on international calls."
- Education
– "In the education section, you find lots of information about
studying in Italy, including tips about universities, admission
processes, tuition fees and how the education system works. You will
also find information about other learning opportunities in further
- Business
– "Starting a business in a new country is a challenge, as it is
everywhere. Find information here about company creation, prospects in
the marketplace and tips on how to avoid problems. Get in contact with
other people in the forums and post a classified if you are looking for
or offering business opportunities."
- Travel & Leisure
– "Travelling within Italy can be a thankless task, especially for a
foreigner. Along with a general overview of the Italian transport
network, our travel guide explains how to buy, sell, rent or import a
car, what insurance and obligatory maintenance your car will need and
how to convert your foreign driving license."
- Culture
– "If you really want to make a new life in a country, you need to
understand the people who live there. Find useful and interesting
information about culture and history, people, traditions, customs and
more. Post in our forums to exchange information or to get in touch with
- Moving
– "Moving country is always difficult. In addition to the move itself,
you will have to deal with a lot of administrative paperwork, complete a
lot of minor tasks and then start rearranging your social life! Check
out our relocation guide, exchange ideas in the forums and find useful
services to get a head-start."
- lifeinitaly.com – Source: web site – "Italy | Italy daily news, Weather, All you need to know about Italy"
- Source: Found in the Living in Italy - Key Expatriate Websites and Resources subsection of Living Abroad by Country section on Transitions Abroad – "WORK • STUDY • TRAVEL • LIVING"
- Source: Marche Voyager – "your travel & tourism guide for the Le Marche in Italy" – In English, German
- Source: USA.gov – "Government Made Easy" – "About Us" – "As the U.S. government's official web portal, USA.gov makes it easy for the public to get U.S. government information and services on the web."
- X – "" – "" – Source: X – ""
- 10 Websites Expats Need To Visit Before Moving To Italy
– "Italy is a country with many treasures. A rich artistic tradition,
spectacular natural landscapes, a fashion-forward society and delectable
gastronomy – all of these give the country a unique character. Expats
are also drawn to Italy because of lucrative employment opportunities
[Personal Observation: When it comes to "lucrative employment
opportunities", it come from being transferred or getting an overseas
assignment from an American or foreign owned company or a government
entity, e.g., USA agency, UN entity, etc. to Italy.] and a high quality lifestyle. For those relocating to Italy, here are 10
helpful websites." – Posted on Tuesday November 25, 2014 (01:12:20) – Source: ExpatFocus – "FOR ANYONE MOVING OR LIVING ABROAD"
- X – "" – "" – Source: X – ""
- agente immobiliare – real estate agent
- Agenzia delle Entrate (English version) – The Italian Revenue Agency AKA the tax office
- Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian version) – L'Agenzia (tax office) – Official web site
- Canone d'Abbonamento – TV tax - payable yearly, usually 100 Euro
- carta d’identità – identity card
- codice fiscale – tax number
- geometra – a licensed, professional individual in Italy who specializes in conducting structural surveys of properties, valuations of properties and acts on behalf of the person who pays him / her to present documents including but not limited to building plans and other related documents to the local building authorities. He / she is needed (I strongly recommend having a geometra) but not required to complete the sale of property in Italy.
- perizia strutturale – structural survey
- stima – valuation
- permesso di lavoro – work permit
- permesso di soggiorno – residence permit
- posta prioritaria – priority mail
- questura – local police
- tabaccheria – tobacconists AKA tobacco shop or tobacco stand
- tessera elettorale – voting card
- tessera sanitaria – health card
- Info about, for or on resources for individuals considering a move to Italy – PART 2 *, dated, Wednesday, April 08, 2015
- Info about, for or on resources for individuals considering a move to Italy – PART 1 *, dated, Thursday, April 02, 2015
* = Blog entry has been updated.
For your specific interest, please search the web for further information using

above links as of this date are/were current. If anyone has any
suggestions for any other additional web sites and/or links for
reference, please feel free to post your comment and I'll update this
blog entry.
Please note:
If you want me to reply to your comment or request any further
information by email, please include your email address in a separate
comment. I will
NOT publish any comments with an email address in it.
NOTE: If you want to leave a comment, please leave it in ENGLISH.
Broken links: Since November, 2005, I have written over 500+ blog entries with 1,000's of corresponding links/URLs for
covering a varied and wide range of topics. In the event if you come
across a broken link or a non-functioning link/URL, please post a
comment and report the non-functional link. I wish to thank you in
advance for assisting me in the ongoing maintenance and the updating of
this successful and informative blog.
Please note: I do
NOT represent or endorse any of these links nor do I receive payment for listing them in my blog.
That's it for Wednesday, 8 April 2015: mercoledi, 8 aprile 2015
Ciao, Ben
Moving2Italy2 – #1 source of links About, For or On Italy for those individuals moving, traveling or already living in Italy.
Today’s quote is an Italian proverb / saying, author unknown.
"Chi bene vive, bene dorme."
"Who lives well, sleeps well."
you have a free moment or two, please read my wife's interesting and
entertaining blog about our life in Italy with photographs: Friends and Family in Italy
Going to Spain, read my new blog: Info About, For or On Spain – a source of links About, For or On Spain for those individuals traveling or already living in Spain.
Please note: The time listed below for this posting is Central European Time (CET)/ GMT+1.
© Benjamin H. Licodo, 2005 - 2016, All Rights Reserved.